Automatic / Default LED feedback. Tell us your requirements here!

1.22K viewsCSS Feature Requests

Hello all!

It has been a couple of months since we soft launched Control Surface Studio and it has became clear that Reactions are just too complicated and time consuming for adding LED Feedback for Mappings.
This needs to be greatly simplified. Trying to figure out the right combination of Listeners & Conditions for a simple mapping is too complicated and is getting a bit too close to needing to know how Coding works, which isn’t what the App is about.

We want to announce that development of Mapping based LED Feedback will soon begin. This will automatically provide feedback to your controls with little to no configuration required from you.

So we can ensure that the solution we develop fits as many of your needs as possible, we would like to give you the opportunity to add your requirements here.
Here are some points that have already been raised which we will cover:

– LEDs should update when the script first loads and when the active Mode is changed.
– They should be bidirectional (use Live event’s to trigger feedback)
– Ability to send Feedback to a different Control / MIDI Value (some MIDI Controller LEDs exist on a separate MIDI Value to the Control).
– Ability to send Feedback to multiple Controls?

P.S. We will still continue to develop the Reactions Mapping Type but this can be reserved for more advanced / specialist circumstances.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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I just want to thank you for showing that you listen to us. Simplifying the operation of LEDs for less experienced users seems very important to me. I am sure that with your work you will be able to develop an unbeatable product.

Good job. Thank you!

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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