Basic Midi Fighter Twister configuration problems
So, I bought CSS and I’ve been trying to get my Midi Fighter Twister to work, but I can’t figure out how to.
I would simply like to bind the 8 macros and all sends of a track to encoders. You know, exactly like how it works out of the box without a custom script, when you simply map the encoders using Ableton’s MIDI mapping. BUT with the difference that I can change the active track and the bindings change to the macros & sends of the active track.
What I’ve gotten to work so far is binding the encoders to the active track macros & sends. So that’s cool. But:
The encoders of Midi Fighter Twister function as if they were physical potentiometers. Not as the endless encoders that they are. When I change tracks or edit the macros/sends in Ableton using the mouse, the encoders stay put in their position. I could use the pickup mode to sort of get around this, but this is so cumbersome that it’s easier to use the mouse. The relative mode doesn’t work, it just moves the macro/send by one step when I rotate the encoder all the way to 127 or 0. I would just like this to work as it works by default with Ableton’s own basic MIDI mapping. Is there a way to do this?
Kind of the same thing as problem 1. The LEDs and therefore the state of the Midi Fighter Twister’s encoders is not updated to reflect the changes in Ableton (changing track, changing parameter with a mouse, loading a new project). There’s some vague documentation about how to accomplish this, but it’s pretty damn cryptic. I’ve done some coding in C++/C# so I’m not easily scared by even actual code, but there just isn’t enough info here. (Or at least I haven’t found it.)
Help would be appreciated. This is a pretty expensive piece of software, so this kind of basic functionality isn’t too much to ask in my opinion.
Hi there,
Thank you for your questions, I tested The MIDI Fighter Twister with Selected Track controls last night and understand what you mean by them acting like physical controls. This will be fixed in our upcoming “Automatic / Default LED Feedback” update.…
For now, to get something a bit better than the ‘jump’ you are probably experiencing when you change the selected track and turn a knob, try changing your knobs to use the Take Over Mode: Value Scaling.
At the moment, there’s no way of sending LED data when the selected track changes from a Reaction as there is currently no selected track listener available.
So this will need a little bit of coding to achieve 🙂 Here’s how to do it:
1. Create all of your LED Feedback Reactions as you normally would – follow this tutorial if you’re not sure…
Make sure you set them all to the same Listener – I recommend setting their listeners to ‘tracks’. Doing this will group all of your Reactions together in one function so you can copy and paste them easily.
2. Install the script and open the .py file for it in your text editor – found in the MIDI Remote Scripts folder
3. In the .py file, seach for the function called: def _mode1_tracks_listener(self):
Note, it may have a different mode number if not mode 1.
4. Add a new function below it called: def _on_selected_track_changed(self):
Copy and paste the contents of _mode1_tracks_listener into _on_selected_track_changed. Make sure that the indentation matches as the script will break if it isn’t correct – Python is very anal about that!
5. Save the file and reload / refresh Ableton Live.
Your reactions will now be fired whenever the selected track changes!
See attached screenshot for code example.
Note: Make sure your script doesn’t already contain the function _on_selected_track_changed, only 1 of them will fire. If you have 2, paste your reactions into bottom of the one that already exists.
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