big controller template disappear after another control surface crash!
hi, I often have crashes on control surface in Mac, it s really annoying and this time the big template I was working on totally disappear after the crash any idea how I can restore it please? I worked on it fo hours! as I have 112 pots 64 button64 leds 24 encoders with bush button!
that was working I was able to install my script and now template is gone and I can t modify my script!!!
Hi benwadub, on windows, there is a CSS folder (C:Users…Control Surface Studioscript). There you can find the latest JSON files. I suspect that a folder like that also exists on Mac.
I export my files each hour or so, just to be on the safe side.
Sorry that I can not be of more help, hope you will find it soon!
Good luck!
Hi Ben
Here’s how to get a script/controller template back if it has disappeared:…
However, if its the script that has gone (not the controller template) and you have already installed it into Ableton, then you will be able to get the json file from the script folder. which will be found in the midi remote scripts folder of Ableton (the location that you will have set in the settings menu.
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