Bulk change common peramiters in tmplates
So I came across this ineffective and time-consuming way to have to fix the controller template for my zone K2… Your downloadable custom template for the key to lists every one of its controls under Mitty channel 15 when my device has everything set up at channel 14 at least as far as the mini messages it sends by default. Not sure if this is a change to make the key to work with an M1 Mac but that’s beside the point.
The point is is that there should be an easy way to change each individual controller set up in the template editor to be able to change general settings for instants in this case wouldn’t it be nice for me to go and change every mini channel of each part of the template to channel 14 instead of it being on channel 15 which means they’re all wrong! Needless to say this is incredibly frustrating and I know it would be very easy for you programmers to put in a select all option at least for the very common parameters of all the controls… Anyway your product allows me to do things that I could not do without it so even though it’s annoying in some respects it’s also indispensable as a product… so thank you for your efforts
I made it work by replacing the following text in the JSON file:
[self.track_num(3)] => update the track number
self.midi_note_ch_0_val_59 => update the midi value
C20 => update the pad number
This saved me hours of work in CSS..
I wonder if it would be possible to have a version of the app in ‘excel’ style where you can get to all the parameters quickly to select and change them (without all the submenu’s and scrolling around) and also with the possibility to select multiple parameters in the script and copy the same value to the selection..
Anyway, I made it work!
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