Can I not map the playhead of Ableton to a knob?
I want to be able to map the playhead to be able to scrub the arrangement timeline with a single knob. Seems like this isn’t built into to remotify yet right?
Is there any why to do something like this? If not can I use a Mackie protocol instead?
I want to use the CH midi controller for cubase but inside Ableton.
(its the one in the middle in the top row )
You can control the arrangement playhead using the following actions in ‘live object model > song’
scrub by – the amount (in beats) to scrub, relative to the arrangement playback position
jump by – the amount (in beats) to jump by, relative to the current position
jump to next cue and jump to previous cue – jump to next cue point / jump to previous cue point
Hi Ben & bonusbeats,
To go forward and backward with the same controller, you can set conditions in the ‘Reaction’:
1) If the current velocity value of your MIDI controller < then the previous -> you give it a negative scrub_by value.
2) If the current velocity value of your MIDI controller > then the previous -> you give it a positive scrub_by value.
That way you can scroll back- and forward. 🙂
Depending on the scrub_by value you enter, you can only scroll so much (about 7 times the value)
Control scrubbing with a knob, relative to the current playhead position:…
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