Change led colour for active pad only

477 viewsCSS Questions

Hi, I have this set of pads, and I wanna get some specific led reaction from them.

I want that when I press any o the pads, all the other pads go get, lets say, RED, while the pressed pad to get green.

Is there a easy, fast way to do this? Maybe with loop?


admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024

Inside a reaction, add a listener for each pad,
For the first Action block, add actions to turn all pads read
Then below that, have a separate action block for each pad,
For the condition in each, check the value of ‘script > listener number’,
(The ‘listener number’ is the listener which fired the reaction)
The condition can say i.e. ‘if the listener number is 1, set pad 1 to green’

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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Hey, do you mean that you’re using Ableton’s internal mapping mode?
Unfortunately that will override any mappings coming from a midi remote script. I don’t know of any way to get around that.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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