Combination Mode Query
Im wondering how I could use combination mode with Ableton Push 2 and an Akai Apc40.
I have a Yaeltex Turn which I am currently coding in CSS – I would like to combine the push and the Akai without having to re-script the each of them from the Ground up.
Any thoughts on how I might achieve this…?
I don’t know if the MIDI remote scripts for push and the Akai are .Json files.
Are you suggesting I basically just copy the scripts for each of these controllers in CSS? I was trying to avoid this to be totally honest – I think that Akai would be manageable but Push just has soooo much functionality it will take donkeys years.
I think we are at cross purposes here – the controllers are different and the functionality is different, so I am not able to copy the script from My Turn as it is not relevant to the other controllers.
Thanks Anyway
As far as I’m aware, the Push script (and all other default scripts which come with Ableton) don’t have combination mode turned on, so this wouldn’t be possible.
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