Complete Uninstall/Reinstall of CSS

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I’m having a ton of problems with the latest version of CSS 2.6.2:

– Control Surface Studio Helper continually goes over 150% CPU and then crashes, making CSS unusable
– Templates randomly disappear rendering the scripts based on them unusable
– The log is empty and nothing is being written to it

I’d like to completely uninstall CSS and do a clean install. My current method is using AppCleaner to remove CSS (and all its identified files), and then I dig through /Library and ~/Library to find whatever else I can to remove any existing files.

When I reinstall CSS and launch it, my username and password are cached which makes me think I’m not clearing all of the files. CSS does look like a new install on startup, but my cached info makes me question it.

My system info is:

– 2019 13″ MBP with Mac OS 12.1 (Monterey)
– 16 GB RAM
– 1TB SSD with > 100GB free
– Python 3.9.9 (installed via Homebrew)
– Ableton Live 11 Suite 11.0.12

Any help/guidance is appreciated.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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In order to do full re-install, you just need to:
1. delete the app
2. delete the ‘control surface studio’ folder which will be in your OS user folder. This folder contains all settings, scripts and controller json files.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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Hi Matthew,

Thanks a lot for the info on MIDI Monitoring and CPU spikes – I will make a note of it for investigation!

With regards to Electron storing your details somewhere, I’m not sure how this would be possible if you’re deleting the app itself. However its essentially uses headless google chrome if I remember right (chromium), so maybe its coming from the chrome browser somehow, but I couldn’t really say for sure.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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Matthew, regarding this…
“I’ve traced the helper issue to enabling MIDI Monitoring. Enabling it spikes CPU on the helper process; disabling it brings it back down and prevents the app from crashing.”
I’m struggling to replicate this. When I activate MIDI Monitoring, there is a slight increase in CPU for me but its only 1 or 2 percent. Out of interest, how many MIDI devices do you have connected?


admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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I’m having exactly the same issue. Remotify is basically freezing my Mac. I’m seeing the same spikes and same behaviour as this post.

Such a shame, It looks like it could be a really useful product but I just can’t use it long enough before it freezes my Mac.

Are there any posts with recommended fixes?

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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