control box navigation and xone k2 endless encoders…. ack!
OK as stated in a previous post I do have a Allen and heath zone K2 device which in the last version of your company’s product before you went to the control studio,
it was possible to control the control box with just the button presses on the endless encoders… I.e. up down left and right… This worked but it was far for my deal with large sets…
Fast forward to now that you have a control service studio app that people can download to their own computers as well as the firmware update for the zone K2 to work with my M1 architecture and since that happened I only just recently got the K2 to work again as well as work with the control studio app to get the Redbox up on the screen…
I have the volume sliders properly set up I have the sins properly set up to the right controls I even have set up the buttons in the bottom of the k2 to launch any of the 4 x 4 grid within that red box on the session view… Where I am having trouble though is attempting to control the session box either the old way are used to do it which is I use the foreign coders on the top the buttons which do one step a piece, but I would much rather be able to get it to work with the endless encoders at the top of the k2…. Where one encoder would navigate vertically and another encoder would navigate horizontally… I get the fact that in the in the settings you can set up one of them to be scrolling tracks and one of them to be sprawling scenes…. But for the life of me I cannot figure out what’s going wrong I’ve tried all different kinds of settings as far as overriding the encoder… But no matter how I set it up it either doesn’t work or the red box (actually yellow in this case) will jump far down the sat in scenes just by turning encoder knob one click! absolute type doesnt work… on/off has no effect, and incremnt and decriment only function is one d Direction but not the other. I’m desperate to be able to control my Redbox on the session view with my in-laws encoders on the k2…. But at this point I’m already tearing my hair out trying to figure out what else I can try… At this point it was a choice between sending you a message for help or having to dive into learning python more than just the rudimentary stuff that I know. I would much rather be making music then learning python these days… So any help on this would be greatly appreciated! I guess it doesn’t help that I’m a little rusty with my mixing shows since I’ve been not performing for two years!
looking forward to a reply,
-auralincarnation (yes, music available on Spotify, amazon, apple music, soundcloud, mixcloud)
Update: so using reactions I was able to get the track highlight selector to move properly… With this custom code call From this forum post…
But what is the custom call to move the session box via tracks or more importantly via scenes using reactions?
I have the listener and the condition parameters set up for the reaction… I just need the custom code call for moving the session box vertically and or moving the session box horizontally ….
Still having trouble finding the.h file which defines those functions!
OK thank you for giving me the function that I need but I can’t just use the function directly how do you handle current position plus or -1 so to speak
I already have the action and condition set for the encoder in question…
how to i make the function call to moe session box down one or up one sceen?
or how bout over one track to the right or one tracks left?
These contain the current session box track and scene position:
session box track position: self.get_sessbox_track_offset()
session box scene position: self.get_sessbox_scene_offset()
in code you can plus or minus this value like so:
self.get_sessbox_track_offset() + 1
self.get_sessbox_track_offset() – 1
To apply this to the session box…
In the reaction > action,
Select: script > set session box position
Then change ‘Track Number’ to custom code
And enter the code from above into the input field (see attached).
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