Controller Disappeared? Here’s how to get it back.

610 viewsCSS Bugs

Disappearing Controllers is something we’re are still investigating. It happens because an extra bit of malformed code is being added to the end of the Controller Json file.

While we investigate and implement a solution, if this happens to you here’s the steps you can take to get your Controller back.

1. Firstly, don’t Panic! your Controller still exists.
2. Go to your home directory on the computer then: ‘Control Surface Studio’ > ‘Controller’
3. Each Json file in there is a Controller in your App. They should be numbered in the same order that they display in the App. So you just need to find the right one.
4. Open the file in a text editor, copy all contents, go to this online Json Validator:, paste into their input box and click process.
5. The Validator will tell you exactly what is wrong with the file and will even highlight what the problem is.
The problem is usually just an extra square bracket at the end, you just need to delete so that the json passes validation.
6. Copy and paste the validated json back into your Controller json file. Restart the App or use the import function to import it back in App and your Controller will be back.

This fix was first posted here:…

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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Make sure you are in the ‘Controller Manager’, then click the Import button to display the ‘Import Controller’ Section.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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