Controller disappeared. Json file not accepted
Hello! Today, I was working on mapping a Reaction to a Button and experienced weird behavior.. I’d change the Button to Note 8 Channel 1. Then Mapped it to a Reaction (Listener: Button 6, Conditions: Blank, Reactions: Midi Record Quantization, = No Quantization). When I went back to check the Button, I noticed it said CC 2 Channel 2. I changed it back to Note, and it stuck, but when I switched pages and went back to it, it said CC 2 Channel 2. I tried making a new button and doing the same thing.. however, I got the same behavior only this time, the Button name didn’t update from Button 7 to Button 6 (which is what I changed it to).
Then, my Controller is completely gone. However, my mapping is still available.. just that now I have to create like 40 knobs and buttons to make it work again.. I closed out of Control Surface Studio and reopened it. Nothing changed.
I found the 1_script.json inside the Midi Remote Scripts css folder, however, it says not controller file. Could anyone help? Thanks!
Hey guys,
I ran all 3 of your Controllers through a very helpful JSON Linter
The issues are all very similar and once I fixed them, I could import all 3 Controllers into my App.
For ‘5_controller.json’ there is an extra square bracket at the end, this just needs deleting then save the file.
For ‘6_controller.json’ this has ‘eft”}]’ at the end which just needs deleting.
‘3_controller.json’ has an extra square bracket at the end which just needs removing.
I’ve attached fixed versions of all 3 Controllers.
The JSON Linter I linked above immediately told me where the issue is so it’s worth running your json through there if your Controller disappears. See the attached screenshot.
Obviously this isn’t THE fix, we will of course find the reason for this happening and fix it properly in the App but just in the short term thought I would tell you how you can get your Controllers back.
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