Controlling devices macros and Refresh
Hi there community.
I’m programming a Korg NanoKontrol2 with Ableton Live 9.7.2 and all is going well so far. However, I’m not sure if I quite understand CSS device selection and the relationship to the blue hand.
I’ve set up a number of devices on different tracks. Some are embedded in device chains, others are single devices. Theres an FX chain of audio fx on a return channel, instruments and arpeggiaters, midi devices and so on.
I’ve set them up with racks so it corresponds to the 8 knobs on the korg nanokontrol. In CSS I script each one as Track >Device >Select Device > Parameter Bank. See attached screen shot.
I only have one row of 8 knobs to work with on the Korg. I can push a button and a device is highlighted (the blue hand appears) and the 8 knobs move the 8 macro controls, HOWEVER the corresponding knob on ALL the other devices macros are turning at the same time not just on the highlighted device. Not sure why thats happening. I assumed that only the device with the blue hand would respond to the 8 controller knobs on the Korg and change as the focus changed. Do I need to make a separate mode for each device? What have I overlooked here?
Also I’ve had no luck with Refresh as described by John in the tutorial. (see below) I’m using Live 9.7.2 on a Mac running El Capitan OSX 10.11.6
CMD+R is rename as far as I can see. Any ideas?
Hit CTRL+R(Windows) or CMD+R (Mac). This loads a new live set in Live and will reload your script with the changes.
Set your current Session as the default Set in ‘Preferences > File Folder > Set Current Set as Default’. I’VE DONE THAT.
Now when you hit CTRL/CMD + R, you will have an instant refresh similar to a web browser.” MMMM NOT WITH MINE.
I appreciate any help,
Hi Mikey,
Our scripts don’t use the blue hand for selected Devices. The ‘Selected Device’ option uses the highlighted Device title bar, the same as with highlighted tracks.
We ditched using the blue hand as it requires the script to be using what is called ‘best of 8’ parameters and this limits the number of device params you can use to 8. As our scripts allow you to use as many device params as you like, this wouldn’t work.
With regards to what you said about Device selection here:
“he corresponding knob on ALL the other devices macros are turning at the same time not just on the highlighted device.”
Do you mean all Devices on the same track or on different tracks?
It’s hard for me to figure this out without seeing your script, maybe upload the script.json here?
For refresh, yes this is a an error in the documentation.
The shortcut to reload/load a new session is: CTRL/CMD + N
I have updated the page. 🙂
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