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Hello everyone, I’ve just bought the license and was researching here in the forum and couldn’t find any answer to the same questions by other colleagues here.

Just to explain I have this situation in ableton:
Instrument Rack > Instrument Rack 1
, > Instrument Rack 2

The first instrument rack is the master track and I don’t wanna do anything with it right now, however I would like to map my vst parameters to my second layer of instrument rack and set them to different chain numbers so I can map and control it individual without changing a value in 1 while moving a fader to instrument 2.

Is this possible?
I’ve tried and so far, couldn’t find a answer.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024

You can access device parameters inside chains using the ‘device selector’ parent.
To access varying chains you would just need setup multiple device selectors and assign them to the correct depth, then add your device device parameters inside those.

Does that help at all? we also have a video tutorial on devices:

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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