CSS 2.5 Upate is Now Available (video inside)

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We’re extremely happy to announce that version 2.5 of Control Surface Studio has gone live today!

This update brings a many new features, fixes and updates that you have all been asking for.
Some of the biggest new features are:
Customisable Bi-Directional LED Feedback options for many controls,
Drag and Drop functionality with in the App for Mappings and Controller Inputs,
New Duplicate & Delete buttons for Mappings and Inputs
Click and Drag functionality for moving MIDI Controller Inputs.
And much much more.

See the Changelog for a full list of all New Features, Bug Fixes and Updates: https://remotify.io/product/control-surface-studio/changelog#v2.5

You will find download links for the update on the CSS Product Page here: https://remotify.io/product/control-surface-studio (they only display when you are logged in).
Also when opening your current version of the App, an option to download the update will display on the login screen.

In the upcoming weeks we will be updating all Documentation to include version 2.5 changes and creating a collection of new Tutorials.
If you have any suggestions on tutorials which will help you better use the App, please let us know.

Thank you and we hope you enjoy using the update

The Remotify Team.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
Attached Files:

Thanks !!!!!! Lets check it

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
Attached Files:
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