CSS no longer working

518 viewsCSS Bugs


CSS stopped working when i tried to switch to ableton 10. I can select the Ableton live location, but when selecting the Midi Remote Script Folder nothing happens..
I can also no longer switch back to Ableton 11

Please advise!

Kind regards,


admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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Hi Jeroen,

It sounds like the log.txt file in Ableton Live 10 is affecting the performance of CSS and may need emptying.
Try clearing the log (open the log menu at the top and click clear)
Or navigate to the actual log.txt file in finder/explorer, open the log.txt file, delete contents, then save the file.
Oh and make sure you’re deleting the correct Live version log.txt file i.e.
/Users/USERNAME/Library/Preferences/Ableton/>>>>>Live 10.1.42<<<<

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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Hi digi,

Sorry I just saw your messages and was about to suggest deleting the settings.json file.
Glad to see you figured it out yourself! 🙂

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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