CSS2.6.3 + Live 11.1.5 – can’t get it to function

1.01K viewsCSS Bugs

Hi. I’m using CSS 2.6.3 with the current version of Live (11.1.5) and am not able to get my remote script to control Ableton as desired.

I’ve been working on the FCB1010 template and have assigned all the MIDI CCs and Notes to my buttons with Midi Learn On in the Controller Templates page. I’ve then created a simple script following the tutorials and installed it properly (shows up in Ableton).

The thing is only the metronome on/off function works, but volume change and track select don’t do anything.

Is there a problem with CSS2.6.3 + Live 11.1.5, or must I be doing something wrong? I’ve tried and tested everything that comes to mind, but Ableton just does not respond to these commands.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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It sounds like probably a configuration problem:
With regards to volume, the FCB doesn’t have faders so how are you trying to change the volume? can you post a screenshot of your configuration for that mapping.

Also, incase there is an error with script, check the log in css for errors.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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same error here.. pls help!

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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Hi William,

Is the MIDI data definitely setup correctly for each of your buttons, knobs, expression pedals in the controller template?
You can check this by opening the MIDI menu at the top. when you move/press a physical input on your controller, its data should display in here.
Make sure that the MIDI channel/type/value are correct for the input settings.
The ‘velocity’ shows you what to input for the ‘first’ ‘last’ / ‘on’ ‘off’ settings.

Please can you tell me what velocity values the expression pedal sends, when you press /release it.


admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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WIlliam, did you see my reply to you, above your last comment?

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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Hi guys,
Have you tried generating scripts with any previous versions of Live (pre 11.1.5) to see if your scripts work in there?

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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