Despair over 2.8 interface

852 viewsGeneral#heartatack

Now that I’ve been forced to abandon 2.7 and figure out how to work in 2.8 my initial feeling is…. despair. The new interface appears to require vastly more clicks. All the mappings from my imported scripts appear to be completely disconnected from their associated modes, as in no more expand/collapse mappings under each mode? My mappings are now an endless, unmanageable list. Unless I’m missing something, this interface is a major step backwards in usability. I don’t think I have the energy for this!

JohnC Answered question June 4, 2024

Convert your script to 2.8 using our conversion tool here:
All mappings will then be assigned to their respective modes, amongst other things.

micbearing Posted new comment June 4, 2024

Thanks for your response. I have used the conversion tool and am now looking at my script in 2.8. I haven’t even tested the script yet to see if all the functionality has been retained. My primary issue is with the interface of 2.8 vs 2.7. For instance, I don’t see any way that mappings are organized under modes in an expand/collapse manner, so all my mappings appear in a single (very) long list. This script has 5 modes, each with dozens of mappings. It makes it very hard to wrap my head around what’s going on when there are no organizational/viewing tools. Had you considered retaining the expand/collapse view, or doing some other sorting/filtering tools?

Another issue is with the mapping editor pop up window. Instead of it being a single continuous scroll through all the available parameters like in 2.7, every one (mapping name, track selection, device selection, etc.) has to be clicked into, which just adds a lot more clicks.

BTW I love CSS, it has allowed me to (almost) exactly what I wanted for my midi controller/Ableton live performance setup. It’s never been the easiest or most efficient software to use, especially for tasks that require creating many similar mappings with small tweaks. A lot of manual work, but it gets the job done. With what I’m seeing from 2.8 so far, it looks like it will be a more tedious process to get the same things done.

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