Device control and Relative Encoders
I noticed that when I try to control parameters on the stock live plugins that uses any stepped control or on/off switch as a parameter value my controller doesn’t work properly (I use an Xtouch Mini with Endless Encoders).
I don’t know if it’s a problem with Live or the css implementation of banks/parameters control.
Also, for some reasons, using buttons to switch banks doesn’t work as well, it only works if I use a knob.
I can move the red box left and right with the same buttons so I don’t think it’s a problem of my particular setup.
Thanks in advance and sorry for all the questions 😀
Still can’t figure this out, bank parameters controls works with everything but stepped parameters in live effects, and I can’t switch banks with momentary buttons for any reasons (using an absolute fader works btw).
Can you please help me out with this?
I remapped my controller to send only 0-127 without acceleration so that’s not a problem!
I also noticed that when I try to control stepped control it only works scrolling counter-clock wise, I cannot go clock-wise.
Are you using the regular ‘parameter’ mapping in CSS (not reactions) to control the parameters?
In the attached screenshot, I’ve used the following script to output the parameter details for the delay device:
Am I right in thinking that the param you’re moving in the gif is L16th which is param 8
hey john, yes indeed I’m using the regular parameter mapping in CSS to do that, cause I didn’t find a way to control parameter values with relative encoders in a simple way with Reactions.
Btw, the parameter is exactly that one, but it’s pretty much the same for all the parameters of all ableton devices that uses stepped values instead of normal numerical ones.
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