Device Parameter toggle not working


First, thank you for CSS.

Second, the script itself is working in that I’ve mapped Solo buttons that toggle on and off.

But in the same script, I’m trying to toggle a Device Parameter (in this case it is Track 44, device 1, parameter 2).

I’ve tried everything.  I think.  The button is set to toggle.

I’ve tried setting the Maximum in Device Parameter Range to 0, 100 and 127, nothing gets this toggle, or move.

Been trying stuff for about 24 hours, nothing is working.  What am I missing? (tried to attach images but it said “Sorry an error occured while processing your image, please remove it and insert again”, so I removed them)

Edit:  Finally got it to toggle and now Feedback is gone.  Restarted several times and no feedback, even the Solo button that was working great has no feedback now.  Wtf.  This is so frustrating.

Ok, after a lengthy shutdown of everything, feedback is back.  Yayyyy!

But, still have troubles.

What I’m trying to do with one button:

1) Select device (so that the track is highlighted)

2) Change Parameter 1 from 1.0 to 0.0 and light LED feedback

3) Change Parameter 2 from 0.0 to 1.0 (no feedback)

What is not working:

1) LED feedback is inverted (lit when off, off when on).  Tried to invert LED On to 0 and LED Off to 127, feedback is still inverted which surprised me. (WORKING NOW)

2) Have to press button a couple times to make the two parameters change.  In other words, it should be one press to change both parameters but it is taking a couple presses for the changes to occur.

So what am I doing wrong?



Ableton 12.1

Yaeltex controller connected to MidiHub, buttons are set to Toggle 0 to 127

(unable to udpdate json file attachment, that one is NOT the current version that works except for double-clicking)

Final edit:  Got it working.  What I did (for future users, because it took two complete days of fiddling to get this to work):

1)  In Yaeltex Kilowhat, change the button from 0-127 to 127-0

2)  Change the Controller Template button to On=127 and Off=0

3)  Mapping Device Parameter Range is 0-1 in both parameters

4)  For Parameter 1, Control Overide = Custom, Control Type = On/Off, On=0 and Off=127, LED Feedback = Default

5)  For Parameter 2, Control Override = Default, LED Feedback = Custom, Send LED feedback is unchecked.

Thank you!

herbert marcel Changed status to publish November 22, 2024
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