Disappointed about CSS
After purchasing it a couple of weeks ago, i finally got some time to test it and now I´m disappointed.
The App is still using the ConfigurableButtonElement from the Launchpad Scriptfolder, that causes all the LED´s to litt on after exiting Live because the Launchpad Script is using value 4 instead of 0 for off_value and reset.
Also the new reactions Stuff is a pain! When using the step by step guide 1:1, the configured buttons wont work anymore.
After inspecting the code, i got some LED´s to run [Listener: ButtonX; Conditions: The LOM function, 1.entry field empty, ==, input, 2. entry field 1 for on, 0 for off; Reactions: ButtonX .send_value, (), input, values for on and off].
But not all LOM functions work this way, the Play button for example.
But the best for last. After I made some LED´s work as they should, i found out, that there is no bidirectional communication between Live and the CSS Script. When i push buttons on the controller, the LED´s light up and switch off, but when i use the mouse or keyboard shortcuts in Live, nothing happens to the leds on the controller and that´s pretty poor…
I understand your frustrations and you are correct that you have to add another function (i.e. metronome).
Reactions were originally designed to simply ‘react’ to existing functions in scripts and send LED feedback.
This is why a button/pad needs to have a ‘proper’ mapping, as they technically don’t exist on a mode without one.
When we created Reactions we had no idea how they would be used, they’re very open ended compared to other aspects of the App.
But we are of course taking everyone’s feedback on board to help us develop these further and will look into the issues you have raised regarding ‘.value’ not working and needing to have another mapping (as I already mentioned).
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