Drum Rack (Mute/Unmute) – Button toggle
Hello ! I’m tweaking a novation launch control & i’m a little lost for a simple thing on a drum rack.
First i was happy to do a led feedback for a mute/unmute drum rack pad.
On the same button i would like to do a simple “mute” toggle button.
I tested with reaction :
1-When button x is pressed
2-Condition : Only continue if Drum Pad mute (bool) is equal to false
3-Then, Drum Pad set mute True.
Ok, it works on one function.
But i don’t know how to do to have both condition/toggle for mute & unmute (because if i make a second reaction with inverted settings, i’m stuck in a “mute/unmute” loop.
It’s a stupid question i know, it’s just i don’t know where to search the solution. (maybe on “get value from ranges” or not ?)
Thanks a lot ! (and next step if i can…make drum note feedback on the button 😉 )
that works great for toggle buttons.
but what is i have momentary buttons on my controller?
how to do that?
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