Feature request
I was wandering if you guys have any plan regarding feature expansion. I wish there was a way to import userconfiguration.txt so I could start a script from my own auto mapping. Also, there are a bunch of transport function that are not (yet?) available to map such as automation.
I wish I could automap preview volume (metronome volume) that I use in every single project.
Some features that I’d use a lot:
1- I wish I could automap preview volume (metronome volume) that I use in every single project.
2- Multiple shift buttons (ex: shift 1, Shift 2 etc) allowing more than 2 fonctions per control.
I am planning to build custom midi controller from arduinos, and would like to assign controls to specific functions regarding specific device, such as looper x2, /2, rec play stop etc, that are on different banks.
I wish good success to this app, very useful and promising.
Hi Philippe,
Thanks for getting in touch with your requests.
Yes we’re constantly developing new features aswell as improving current features.
Your user config import idea is a very interesting one, I wonder how many people would be interested in this?
We will look into metronome volume, thanks for that one.
Regarding multiple shift buttons, correct me if I misunderstand but you can already add multiple shift buttons.
That’s exciting news about you building your own arduino controller, maybe keep us all updated on this as I know that there are other Remotify users out there that are doing the same! 🙂
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