Feature requests / Reaction editor
Hi John,
- Ability to copy and move the Listeners (like Blocks, Conditions, Actions, etc) inside the Reaction.
- The button “switch to custom coding” should be present by default on Listeners.
- Keeping custom coding windows view size when reopen it.
- Ability to copy paste any Block from one Reaction to another.
- Ability to view the whole code of Reaction and manipulate it (copy, paste, etc).
Fabrice Planquette Changed status to publish December 27, 2024
Ability to view the whole code and manipulate it (copy, paste, etc)
Do you mean for the entire reaction or the code in individual action blocks?
JohnC Posted new comment December 16, 2024

The entire Reaction probably won’t be possible, but we’re looking into including more of the underlying code when you click on ‘custom code’
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Of Reaction, so I can copy just what I need from one (A) and paste on another one (B).
For now I have to copy the Reaction A, then erase what I don’t need in the copy, then rewrite the all Reaction B inside it.