Highlight Navigation Relative to Session Box

372 viewsCSS Questions

I think I can use Reactions to do this, but is there not a simpler (more elegant) way to highlight eg the first track of the session box?

Barring that, how would I do this using reaction?

‘Listen’ to the select-relative-to-session button1
Highlight Track x, where x is track one IN the session box.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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To do this you would need to use the modifier option in the ‘highlight navigation’ mapping type, and then use reactions to set the modifier to the correct value.

I’ve attached a script to do this. Set the 4 ‘Highlight Navigation x’ mappings to your buttons, you will see that each of these are using a modifier for the track number. These modifiers are set/managed in the reactions named ‘modifier – track x relative to sess box’.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024

Thanks so much Joihn!!!

I wasn’t sure if ‘offset’ would work – because you can also set the ‘offset’ of the box, so I did need that bit of code.

I’m VERY stingy with Modifiers, because they’re so versatile, so I was loathe to use up 8 just for this. I skipped them and did it by adding reactions for the ‘select’ buttons where – when the button is pressed –

SelectSessionTrack1: self.set_highlighted_track(self.get_sessbox_track_offset())
SelectSessionTrack2: self.set_highlighted_track(self.get_sessbox_track_offset()+1)


It’s actually more elegant as it avoids tracking the session box (since the offset is a stable environment variable.)

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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I need a reply too…

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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thank you Wim for these clear instructions

-make a ‘Reaction’ and call it for instance ‘SelectSessionTrack1’
– add a listener (button 1)
-add an action and now you have two options:
-click the ‘Switch to custom’ button
and enter ‘self.set_highlighted_track(self.get_sessbox_track_offset())’

or select ‘Script’ and then ‘set selected track’
then select under ‘Action Parameters’ select ‘Custom Code’ and paste ‘self.get_sessbox_track_offset()’

then for the other track / button add +1,+2,+3 after “offset()”

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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