How to reset all send return for all tracks with 1 buttons ?
Hello everyone
How to reset all send return for all tracks with 1 buttons ?
i created a reaction to reset value send to 0[0].mixer_device.sends[0].value = 0[1].mixer_device.sends[0].value = 0[2].mixer_device.sends[0].value = 0[3].mixer_device.sends[0].value = 0[4].mixer_device.sends[0].value = 0[5].mixer_device.sends[0].value = 0[0] => is number of tracks
mixer_device.sends[0] => is number of sends
Is there a command to select all tracks and all sends ?
Thank you in advance for your answer
<img src=”” />[0].mixer_device.sends[0].value = 0

In order to set all of the sends to 0 regardless of how many there are, you would need to do the following:
1. loop through all sends on a track
2. Use the loop iteration number so that each send is targeted (script > loop > loop – iteration number)
This will dynamically loop through all sends.

i tried that ;
Listeners => clear all send was moved
Action block 1
loop =>[0].sends
conditions => self.midi_note_ch_2_val_88.cur_val == 127 (for button clear send)
Actions =>
do this =>[0].mixer_device.sends[loop_number].value = 0
And do this => self.midi_note_ch_2_val_88.send_value(127) (for led response)
This is not working, nothing is happening
the send loop is not taken into consideration

And just to confirm, you have it set to track 1, is that the one which you’re checking?
Try adding this action below it (in the same action block)
‘script > display a value in CSS log ‘
And for the ‘Value to Display’ set it to:
‘script > loop > loop – iteration number’
When you press your ‘clear all send’, you can view all of the loop iteration numbers in the CSS log.
It should expect to see the number of sends which you have in the track. i.e. if you have 4 sends, you should see:

I add action
script – display a value in CSS LOG
Value to display -> loop – iteration number
in custom coding :
self.log_message(“csslog: ” + str(loop_number))
the log.tx remains empty and has 0mb
if I understand I should see the loops in the window located at the bottom right where it says “log.txt filesize 0mb”

@MatMartigan, please see my latest response (below).
@MatMartigan the code for looping through sends is incorrect.
This is why it’s not working for you.
I’ve reported this to be fixed in a future update, but for now here’s what you can do:
Switch the loop into ‘custom coding mode’ and change the code so it matches the following:[0].mixer_device.sends
Attached is the working Reaction mapping which does the following:
1. Resets all sends on track 1 back to zero.
2. Logs the send number of each send to the CSS log
You’ll just need to set the listener to the button which you want to use for resetting them

ok thank you Man you are a king 🙂
it now works with track 1
I set to zero all send returns of track 1 whatever the number of sends of this track
there was indeed an error in the conversion (custom to gui mode)
Now is it possible to do the same thing by creating a button which will carry out this action but whatever the number of tracks ?
Because we can only add 1 loop per action
On the other hand I have no line in the log which should indicate the iteration number

There’s no way to loop through the tracks and then loop through all of the sends unfortunately.
You would need to add an action block or Reaction for each track.
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thank you for your response
but I would like to reset all the send returns of each track to 0
and whatever the number of send / returns that I add
with [0].mixer device.sends[0].value
I reset the first send A to 0 but this does not effect the sends of the tracks