[How To] Switching MIDI Fighter Twister Banks using Reactions

484 viewsCSS Questions

Dropping this here in case anyone else needs it.

Because of the way my music workstation is set up, I wanted to switch banks of my MFT using one of the surface/knob buttons instead of reaching for the side buttons. I was able to do this with Reactions. It took a while to figure out due to a few challenges.

First, the MFT docs say:

“…When changing from Bank 1 to Bank 2 the Midi Fighter Twister will send a Ch3 C-1 Note Off followed by a Ch3 C#-1 Note On.” (If you’re using the default of channel 3 for device messages.)

Unfortunately, this didn’t work. Using MIDI Monitor I was able to figure out that instead, the MFT responds to a similar construct but uses cc messages instead of note off/on. Device 0 is page one, device 1 is page 2, etc. My device channel is set to 4, so the two raw MIDI commands needed to switch from bank 1 to bank 2 is:

0xB3, 0, 0 – Control change on channel 4, device 0, value 0 (turn off bank 1)
0xB3, 1, 127 – Control change on channel 4, device 1, value 127 (turn on bank 2)

Then the problem was formatting the raw MIDI for CSS to accept it. It took me over an hour to figure out (digging through the online forum) that you need to wrap the raw MIDI in parens for it to work, so:

(0xB3, 0, 0)
(0xB3, 1, 127)

Note: I’ve attached a screenshot to make it clearer.

To switch from bank 2 to bank 1, it’s the reverse:

(0xB3, 1, 0) – Control change on channel 4, device 1, value 0 (turn off bank 2)
(0xB3, 0, 127) – Control change on channel 4, device 0, value 127 (turn on bank 1)

But there was one more problem: I was using the same button to toggle between pages and when I pressed down on the button it would switch banks, but releasing the button switched it back; it wouldn’t “stick”. I fixed this issue by setting the switch type to “CC Toggle” using the MFT Utility app.

Hope this helps save an hour (or two) of someone’s time.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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“but releasing the button switched it back; it wouldn’t “stick”.
A way to get around this is within the mapping, change the ‘off’ midi value to a value other than what the button sends when you release it. i.e. change it from zero (the usual off value) to say 15.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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