I didn’t manage to have the…log
hello, really begin in css .
I try to make the “Using Lists and Loops in Control Surface Studio” tutorial
But i have nothing in the log …
Here is my setup config of the software and everything seems to work .
I had to create a log.txt file and browse a dedicated folder .
but nothing weird i think.
i changed the action to write on the log.txt file and the css log . Both does not work
still the “live status bar” show something but…
help ?
thanks !
Hello Luc,
Welcome to the forum!
Your “Log.txt location” should be set to something like this: “C:Users[username]AppDataRoamingAbletonLive x.x.xPreferencesLog.txt”
If the directory “AppData” is hidden, check https://help.ableton.com/hc/en-us/articles/209070509
Also, “Live Version Folder Location” should probably be set to “C:Users[username]AppDataRoamingAbleton”
Now your log file will be visible in CSS.
Hi Luc,
I agree, John’s software is amazing! 🙂
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