Importing a script on another computer / different Live version
I work with several artists as their “Ableton guy”. My job is to figure out which controller(s) and Ableton interaction fit their way to play live, then configure their setup.
I recently purchased CSS and had loads of fun making scripts for my own controllers.
I’d like to be able to take one artist’s controller home, prepare a script on my CSS, then just import it on their own computer. I know I could run CSS web version on their computer, but this is not ideal.
As they don’t always have the latest Suite version I’m using, do I have to install every possible version of Ableton and export the script to the same version as the artist’s ? Or would, for example, an 11.1 Suite script run on a 10 Standard ?
Thanks in advance, have a great day !
Hi boombleep, that’s an interesting and very cool job!
Basically, all you need to worry about is the major version numbers.
i.e. if they are running any version of 10, in the CSS settings menu, set the python version to 2.7 and install the script.
If they are running 11, then install the script using python 3
(hovering over the python version menu, will tell you the version of python to use)
And that should be it.
Minor versions, or if its suite vs standard etc aren’t important. It’s just the python version which the script is being generated for.
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