Inconsistent Feedback from script to controller during track navigation
Good morning,
I bought a CSS license a few days ago and noticed what it seems to me an inconsistent behavior during track navigation.
I am building a script for a midi fighter twister (using the controller template from your website) and a factory settings in my MFT.
I have assigned two buttons for track (Highlight) navigation : Previous & Next tracks.
What happens is the following :
1/ When the next button is pressed, the feedback from the script to the controller (CC Value is 0 to the next button and 127 to the previous button)
2/ When the previous button is pressed, the same happens : the feedback from the script to the controller (CC Value is 0 to the next button and 127 to the previous button)
The downside of it is that the (default) LED feedback is inconsistent, as the Previous button get lit (“on” status) in any case, as opposed to the next button.
Please see the attached : Test script and evidence (using Bome Midi translator)
I could implement a workaround with custom led feedback but it seems to me that next/previous should be symmetrical.
Thanks for your support and comments.
What should happen with track highlight navigation is,
let’s say you have a button to move the navigation left, the LED should be lit whilst there are more tracks available to move to in that direction.
Once the highlight gets to track 1, the LED should turn off.
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