Insert Imported Items Issue

71 viewsCSS Feature Requestsselect

Hey Folks,
I could be wrong here, but there must be an easier way to import items into an existing script. At the moment I am having to select over 150 mappings individually in order to make edits to my script and keep the order neat.

At the moment if I make a test or edits, I work on something in a smaller script outside of my main script.

I then export the mappings to import them to the large script. At this point I find where I want to place it, and select all of the mappings below this point, export these and delete them. I import the new mappings and reimport the old ones.

Is there no way to ‘Shift + Click’ on mappings to select a lot of them at once – this feature would be super helpful for many procces’ like dragging and dropping for example?

Otherwise can we have a feature where we can import mappings to a specific point in the script.

R. Asked question September 4, 2024