Is this installing correctly on Windows?

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I just bought this and tried to install it on Windows 11 for Ableton Live 12.0.25 Suite.

Last night it wasn’t working because the server was down and there were no feeds.  That’s been fixed.

But I had other problems too and got a response from support with a video about installing.  With a bunch of playing around I got the settings correct, but I notice that the man in the video had 3 files with a new installation and I get a warning instead.

His brand new install has a sample script called “My First Script v2”

instead mine says “0 valid files found in the directory: C:\Users\[my account name]/Control Surface Studio 2.8/script/”

And his new install has two templates:

“AKAI MIDImix” and

“DJTT MIDI Fighter Twist”

instead mine says “0 valid files found in the directory: C:\Users\[my account name]/Control Surface Studio 2.8/controller/”

The initial setup seemed like it might have had some problems

  1. Not sure if this is by design, but you have to tell it where Ableton is installed, but it’s not easy to figure out which directory they mean. Once I got that correct it was obvious though because it could then fill out most of the other directories. If you get it wrong, it gives wrong directories and complains that they don’t exist.
    The correct one (in my case) for “Application location” was “C:\ProgramData\Ableton\Live 12 Suite”
  2. once you have that, you can see the first bug, where it should set “Midi Remote Script Folder location” to “C:\Program Data\Ableton\Live 12 Suite\Resources\Midi Remote Scripts\” it instead sets it to “C:\Program Data\AbletonundefinedResources\Midi Remote Scripts\” and shows it in red and complains it doesn’t exist.
  3. It correctly gave me the option of selecting “Ableton Live Version” “Live 12.0.25” but I think it should have selected that itself as it’s the only one installed.
  4. Once selected it should have set the “Python Version” to 3, but it did not, I had to set that myself.
JohnC Answered question September 28, 2024

Hi Josh,

The scripts and controller templates which auto install where removed in version 2.8.5. You can import scripts and controller templates from the ‘On Remotify’ tab at the top (although it seems we are still experiencing some issues with our feed for the controller templates, please bare with us on this).
So seeing ‘“0 valid files found in the directory…’ is normal.

With regards to the app settings, you can use the ‘file browser’ button on the right to open your computer’s file browser and locate your installation of Ableton. After selecting it, most of the other settings should auto populate, based on this.
You should just need to select the current Live version which you are using. (major/minor version).

JohnC Answered question September 28, 2024