K2 + box navigation (still not wokring)
OK I’m working with A+H K2 controller and I have been trying to get the session box to move when I use the N listen coders at the top of my controller…
I’m not usually so badly flummoxed about some thing and I’ve been trying to do this for a very long time… I have my M1 Mac only hooked to the K2 controller… I’ve gone through the whole rigmarole of updating the firmware for the k2 (which is a requirement if you want to use it with an M1 Mac just FYI)
Yes I have other controllers that I want to use along with it but I’ve narrowed it down to just my computer and just the controller… And I have not gotten into work since control service studio was re-modifies actual full product…
So far I have tried:
– using the encoders directly as in not overriding them and using your built in session box navigation functions standard no luck
– I’ve tried overriding the controls and attempting to use the endless encoders as an incremental type controller no luck
– overriding the controlled absolute mode no luck
– overriding the controller to relative mode also no luck
I’m 100% sure I am getting signal in live from my controller because I can see the midi receiver blinking as I turn the endless encoder..
I’m now in the middle of trying a reaction and I’m getting no response whatsoever even though I’m still seeing the midi input blinker confirming I’m getting midi input into live… When life what’s up I also know that it’s my it’s the proper script that’s loading up here’s my reaction listing in its parts….
Listener – Endless encoder 4 is turned
conditions block 1 (left turn) – encoders latest vel;ocity is less then — Ive tried values 1,10,25,64…
custom code for condition is — self.midi_cc_ch_14_val_34.cur_val < 40
action code is — self.get_sessbox_scene_offset() -1
action block 2 ( right turn) –
Condition in this encoder fours value is greater than a whole set of numbers starting with 64 try 127 and a bunch of other numbers that were greater than 64 and less than 127
code for condition — self.midi_cc_ch_14_val_34.cur_val > 70
action custom code == self.get_sessbox_scene_offset() +1
I need to get back to prepping for my next gig which is all too soon and I really could use a controller working again like I did back during live 10 and I was still using your web page intrface….
Please help I have no idea what I’m doing wrong anymore and I love this controller I’m trying to keep it in my rig because I don’t wanna try to find a replacement at this late state…
Hope someone can shed light on this and help me get it working again thank you for your time
I did try the velocity of 1 and 127 but that didn’t work either…
is my function call to get the session box to move correct in my reaction?
I’ve tried both of your suggestions and none of them work is there someplace I can check to see what’s going on with the actual script to find out what might be going wrong here because none of your suggestions have done anything to help… I’ve tried the endless encoder set a relative 127 one just like your thing says and I’ve tried using reaction setting the values to just like you said but there’s still no response… I do see the mini receive in live blinking but it does not move the session box at all
Hello again so I’ve included the screenshot of my my CSS studio I am using the new try sew in live I bring up CSS new try in the midi settings and I’ve tried it it doesn’t work am I missing something is there some log I can check or something like that?
please let me know what can check on my system on what is going wrong!
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