K2 session box movement ( any kind of movement would be fantastic)
This is the continuation of my former post here in the community desperate to try to get my K2 controller to be able to move my session box in any way shape or form I don’t care what control I use I don’t care if I have to use an endless encoder, I don’t care if I have to use the button I need to get the control box to move… And I hope somebody out there can help me please…..
The help I got in the former post I’m sorry to say didn’t work I am sharing my Json file which has the controller template set up in the way that the admin told me to do…
Also included is my file which shows that my controller template file is also set up in the same way that the person who is helping me said SHOULD work…. please point out to me *some* mistake I making or someway to watch my log file that will give me some indication of what might be going wrong… I am happy to be wrong but I desperately need this thing to work please help she included files attached below….
This is the most simple example I’ve set up stripped down to the most minimum possible usage again please help…
no response at all?
I really do need some help with this
and I didn’t think I’d be completely ignored with my pressing issue..
any help is appreciated
and any log file or needed screen shot for info can be provided!
any guidance or suggestion on the above question??
Sorry for the delay in getting a response from us, I checked your K2 template (K2Mygo.json) and although the Endless Encoder is set to ‘Relative’, which is probably correct,
‘left’ is set to 127 and ‘right’ is set to 1.
Can you test if these a correct using midi learn?
Have you tried using the endless encoder with other mapping types?
Hello, Im sharing my own K2 script, its based on the “stock” K2 template and I dont remember how I did all that, as I have not been using Live like this lately….But here you have a 4×4 session box – ALL ON RED LAYER – and you can scroll up/down and left/right with the 2 endless encoders on the bottom of the unit, plus you have volume control for 4 channels on the faders, and also I painstakingly made for each of the 4 channels functions that allow you to control macros 1, 2, 3 with the channel knobs when the top channel button is pressed, 4, 5, 6 when the middle one is pressed, and 7, 8, 9 when the lowest button is pressed. Meaning the first 9 macros in a rack, Maybe without rack it works too, for the first 9 attributes default in Live. It is working in Live 11. Oh yeah and the bottom 4×4 buttons part functions as clip triggers, and they should light up when playing. 🙂 Again, all on the red layer only. I think I started making something on the other 2 layers, and used it like for master channel effects or something? I dont remember and Im too lazy to check. 🙂 Oh and the 4 top most endless encoders I think activate a device and control one parameter in it, I was using those for filtering, IIRC. I dont remember really but if it helps someone, I would only be glad. Also if you improve it and post here a better version. This community gave me a lot, so I hope I can give something back. Peace 🙂
oh, and it is shifted 2 channels to the right, meaning it is built to control channels 3-6. I was using the first channel for like a dummy sidechain and the 2nd channel I think like a premaster sum bus or some like that.. You can easily modify this. Let me know if it helps anyone guys, please. :),
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