Led feedback

2.04K viewsCSS Questions

Hi guys I have currently got most of my controller working however the led lights are not working properly. My lights seem to either all stay on weather they are pressed or not. I would like them to be on while the action is happening and off when not. For example when I press mute the led light up then when mute is off the light goes off etc. is it possible to control the lights ? If so could someone give an example of how to do so please

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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Yes it seems that Buttons / knobs etc don’t actually have .value.
My fault sorry!
You could try using .cur_val instead, this will probably send an error to your log on first press (as it doesn’t exist until after first press) but will work after.

For your Condition it would be better to test if the Loop is True/False.
If the Loop is true, set to to False and vice versa for the other Reaction.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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