Links broken

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Hey y’all,

new user, very impressed by the depth of some of the documentation here. @JohnC is killing it with the support! Also very confidence inspiring to see him admit when a feature can still be improved upon. Designing programs takes time and he clearly cares about this program (Ableton was once just someones Max Patch before it became the beast it is). Very excited to see how the app will evolve while you continue to improve on it (Nested/Dropdown functionality in the programming window would be really nice to have again!)

Anyway, while learning the program and browsing through the documentation, I’ll often stumble across posts linking to resources like: “the reactions reference guide” or “(this) tutorial”. However, these links all forward to, which doesn’t host the mentioned resources. Or to webpages that no longer exist and sadly often have no snapshots in the wayback machine, rendering a good chunk of the documentation lost.

Same goes for whenever “A prebuilt script is provided below” is mentioned in an article. The script examples are no longer to be found.

Is this a known issue? Is this being worked on?

In the meantime, does anyone have working links for resources like the “Reactions reference guide”?


Lars Unselected an answer July 22, 2024

About 5 months ago I started a spreadsheet to have all of the options for Conditions, Actions, etc… in a searchable (using cmd + F) and filterable way. Over time it grew a bit but it’s still a work in progress. The Documentation also linked to some of the posts on the old Remotify website, so those won’t work either.

Other than that, I don’t know about a Reactions specific guide but at the bottom of the Main Site you can find a link to the blog which still holds some documentation.

Glenn Verhaeghe Posted new comment July 20, 2024

Hey Glenn,

Wow, great spreadsheet, thanks! The page “Listeners, conditions and reactions” looks like the thumbnail for the “reactions reference guide” that I was looking for. Was trying to get by with
Which is an unofficial list of all the API commands for Live 11, but your excel is a fair bit easier to understand in context of working with CSS.

Merci makker!

No problem.
If you find anything interesting to add to it, don’t be afraid to share it (in this thread for example). I’ve mentioned some examples on the log page.


Hi all,

We recently migrated our website to a new system, due to this there are likely still some dead links.

we also killed off some no longer relevant pages.
The Reactions reference page you mentioned was actually for an older version of Reactions which is no longer applicable so we removed it.

With regards to missing pre-built scripts, add a link to the page here for any which you find, hopefully we still have them and I can re-link them.

@Glenn that’s a very helpful spreadsheet for everyone!

JohnC Posted new comment July 22, 2024

Hey John,

I never found any links with pre-built articles. Just the mention of them in articles like this one:
(one of the last paragraphs in the article).

These practical examples types scripts are great by the way! Though they’re a bit hard to find. I can imagine there’s a good stock of them floating around on the web, but I can’t seem to easily navigate to them through the website nor forum.

Starting to get a little concerned by how hard I’m finding it to program certain behaviours into my script. I quickly find myself messing about with reactions, as they’re clearly the most powerful way to get stuff done in the program. But it’s taking a lot of trial and error. More focus on specific examples of (layered) reactions in future documentation would be cool!

All blog articles can be found here:
I’ve now added breadcrumbs above blog article titles so you can easily navigate up to the blog section.

Actually, you can see just Control Surface Studio related articles here: