MAJOR breakdown in CSS (please please help)
Hey John and all.
So today I wanted to update some old scripts and fix some stuff. Haven’t used it in a while so the new version told me that there was a v2-reactions and all that stuff. So I had to fix a script for my launch control.
Fair enough, I thought. Nothing. Nothing worked. Everything I tried – nothing in this controller worked. The script was installed, and I could see it in Ableton etc. But nothing.
So I made a new one with just a play button. Nothing. Once again – everything seems fine, and the pads even send midi data in ableton. But nothing.
So my frustration grew, and I was troubleshooting for an hour. The weirdest part is that my script for my midi fighter works fine. BUT. I thought, ok, lets try adding a button in this script. Nothing. The old functions work but nothing that is added.
And then… All of a sudden when I restart CSS, all the scripts are gone.
So I try to reinstall. Now it gets even worse.
I set Live Location, but script folder doesnt automatically adjust. And nothing else. I try to do it manually – nothing updates. Same with Live version folder and Log.txt location.
Everything is just broken.
I cant see any tamplates, any scripts – everything is just gone.
Trash and reinstall CSS? Nothing.
So now. After trying everything. Even my old script is gone from Ableton and I just want to cry.
Please. Please. Please. Help me.
Hi guys,
To do a complete reinstall of CSS, as well as deleting the CSS Application, also delete the ‘control surface studio’ which you will find in the home directory of your operating system. This folder contains all settings, script json files and controller template json files.
A script can disappear from the Ableton preferences menu if it contains malformed code.
You can check the log in css for errors or directly in the log.txt file for your version of Ableton live.
We are investigating the issue with midi monitor causing a spike, I advise to only turn it on when you need to input midi data and then turn it off again.
Ableton 11 needs to be restarted in order to see changes, 10 does not.
This isn’t anything to do with our script/application. Due to this, I recommend building scripts in 10 and porting them to 11 when ready.
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