Match Ableton Clip Color to reflect as LED state on MIDI Pads for Akai APC40 MK2
A lot of use on the forum are asking for this feature. We want the Akai APC40 MK2 PADS to light up based on the clip color of the Ableton clip that gets loaded on that PAD.
why did you choose to only go with 3 states for LED feed back? what are you going to implement so that we have LED color matching to clip color on Ableton?
we bought and purchased CSS with the idea that MIDI Mapping would go by a lot faster with your tool you created, so far it’s been more of a hassle trying to get your program to work appropriately mainly because the APC40 has 3 modes like MCBeats has mentioned on multiple forum posts and responses.
MCBeats has even provided the solution to set the modes (giving us a template ready for you to update on your program so that it’s easier on the users to choose between modes (mode 0, 1, and 2).
I’ve begun researching a bit about your device, because I don’t own it myself and found a chart that shows which velocities produce which colors on the pads.…
This is for the Akai Pro APC Mini mk2 but I’m guessing it will be the same for the normal version of this controller. I’ll add this list of colors to the Colors tab in the spreadsheet I’ve linked, for reference.
On this forum post, OP also mention that brightness and blinking state of an LED on the device is triggered by the channel number, where sending a midi message to a pad through channel 7 will produce the brightest light and anything beyond channel 7 will produce various states of blinking. Someone with any of these devices might need to confirm this.
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