maybe, I am too stupid?
… hello!
i’ve really done everything as described in the tutorial, but really it doesn’t work + and nothing happens, when i press the buttons or turn the knobs …
…for example: i create a simple one-mode and just define one simple -play-button, but nothing happens, when I press the button or the other buttons … maybe, there ist an general fault, that I make … I really don’t know: so I ask you, if you can help me?
i use ableton live 10.0.6 and want to define a aka-midimix + i don’t have any css-knowledges, but I thought, i would understand this program 🙁
Hi there,
Yes I can help you with this. First thing though, have you configured your settings correctly and are you able to select your script in Ableton’s Preferences MIDI Tab?
Here is the Configuration tutorial:…
Next. You’re in luck as the Controller file for Akai MIDI Mix is already available and the script ‘My First Script’ is configured to be used with it. They are both included in the App when you first download it.
if they aren’t there, you can import them in the Controller & Script Import sections.
Here is a tutorial on importing Scripts…
Once you have them both in the App, all you need to do is attach the MIDI Mix to the Script (see the attached image) and click the ‘install button’. This will install the script into Live, ready for use.
Here is a tutorial on installing & activating your Script into Ableton:…
The MIDI Mix seems to auto assign the default script in Live’s Preferences when you connect it, so just make sure you deselect it in the MIDI Tab and only have yours assigned.
Hope this helps.
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