Midi Fighter Twister: Encoder Switch Action Types

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Does CSS has the ability to select different switch type functionalities like in the Midi Fighter Utility app?

Here is an excerpt from the manual: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-QvIds_FsH3Z0ZLT041VnZfOTA/view?resourcekey=0-fgp-m9PFslsMcR3SD5bJZQ
 “Encoder Switch Action Type
Each encoder switch can be set to perform one of a range of actions.
CC Hold
The switch will send a CC of value 127 when pressed and a CC of value 0 when released.
CC Toggle
The switch will alternate between sending a CC of value 127 and a CC of value 0 each
time it is pressed.
Note Hold
The switch will send a Note On of velocity 127 when pressed and a Note Off of velocity 0
when released.
Note Toggle
The switch will alternate between sending a Note On and a Note Off each time it is
Reset Encoder Value
When pressed the switch will reset the encoder value to 0, or 63 if Detent is enabled. In
this mode the switch also sends a MIDI message as if it where configured for CC hold.
Encoder Fine Adjust
When pressed the encoder sensitivity is reduced allowing fine adjustment.
Shift Encoder Hold
While the switch is pressed the encoder sends a secondary value, allowing one encoder
to control two knobs independently. These messages are sent on Ch.5
Shift Encoder Toggle
When pressed the switch toggles between”
Video demonstrating all of the available switch action types (start: 24:55 min): https://youtu.be/E-v6TKHurgg?si=XAbtVz7AEwYmDEVE&t=1495

From what I gather, the only switch action types by default is the CC Toggle and CC Momentary; An endless encoder only functions as a rotary knob and switch button; I do not see the settings to change its behavior.
I personally would like to the Shift Encoder Toggle functionality as it gives us the possibility to “switch” between two different rotary midi CCs controlling two different parameters by just pressing the button to make the switch between the two. Meaning the button is only used to toggle between two different rotary midi mappings.

Thank you so much in advance for any help,


JohnC Answered question September 3, 2024

You can use the various actions which the Midi Fighter sends, Control Surface Studio doesn’t change or program the midi data sent by the midi controller, it connects received midi data to Ableton functionality inside the script.

“shift Encoder Toggle functionality”
You can setup various modes and switch between them. For a ‘shift’ style functionality you can have i.e. mode 2 activate when press a button down, then switch back to mode 1 when it is released.
Here is a video explaining how to setup shift functionality (it’s a bit older so is using the old UI but the concepts are exactly the same): https://youtu.be/_gtgD9eExTo?si=oxP7ZaE0ohOWQD9i&t=294

JohnC Answered question September 3, 2024