Midi monitor doesn’t work when ableton is open
System: Razer Blade Stealth 10th gen intel i7 Windows 11, Ableton 11, most recent CSS
So I’m having several issues with CSS and I’m wondering if there related and anyone has experienced this before?
If I open ableton, then CSS, my launchpad mini MK3 does not show up in “connected midi inputs” I need to close ableton and css, then reopen css to get the launchpad to appear in the midi monitor.
If I open css first, then ableton, the launchpad will not show up in the midi devices section in ableton and I get no midi signal into ableton, though it remains connected to css.
This problem feels like exclusive mode on audio devices, though I didn’t know that was a thing with midi devices.
The problem with this is that, when attempting to create a new script in css, it makes it really hard to do anything and I get no output in the css log from ableton when following one of the remotify tutorials that haves you check the logs to confirm a script is working.
So yeah, anyone know why none of my midi devices cannot connect to both applications simultaneously and why I get not feedback in the logs whenever I set it up?
Thank you.
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