motorized faders
Can somebody please help me with a comprehensive guide on how to get motorized faders working properly? I’ve got the icon platform M.
Searching for motorized faders on this forum gives me a few results, all with pretty vague suggestions. Here is one from John.
“Sending LED feedback / midi velocity to the controls should activate the motorized faders. This can be done using the standards midi mapping types in CSS.”
Ok. So within the track selector, I have a ‘volume’ mapping. There is an ‘LED Feedback’ setting. I’ve set this to ‘custom’ and ‘send feedback’ to ‘yes’.
Now as far as “sending midi velocity to the controls”, I have no idea how to do that. I am assuming this is suggesting to use reactions, which seem to go a bit over my head. What does ‘to the controls’ mean? To the fader? What ‘midi velocity’? That doesn’t appear to be an option anywhere in the reactions section.
^ The timestamp at this video is the closest thing I can find to ‘sending midi velocity to the controls’, but this doesn’t seem to work for me.
Thanks 🙂
BCF2000 faders are no problem, click, clack and play, I have also an faderport 8, I cant’ get the faders to work.
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