Move box without deleting led feedback
since it’s not feasible to have multiple boxes, I want to have one box that I move across the tracks. It is important that the LEDs do not go out.
Example I have a box
Wide 1 and high 4. When I jump to the next track, I don’t want track 1’s LEDs to go out. The clips should only update when I move up and down and not left and right.
Hi McBeat,
I probably don’t understand what you’re trying to do properly but, with LED feedback for session boxes you have 2 options.
1. In the session box mapping type, you have the ‘clip state’ LED feedback options.
2. Reactions, with this you are able to send LED MIDI data to clips at arbitrary events which you can decide.
Sorry, I should have been more clear, I’m referring to the section title ‘LED Feedback’ in the session box mapping type.
This contains LED feedback settings for various clip states (see attached)
I think I undestand you.
Track 1, Clip 5, you want to see that clip in your controller.
Track 2 Clip 83, you want to see that clip in your controller.
You want to see both at the same time in your controller.
I think the only way is have 6 Session Boxes, each Box for each track, but you said you want 8 tracks…
I think you can not “lock” any clip at Session Box.
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