NanoKontrol Studio Buttons
I’m writing a script for the nano kontrol studio with 2 modes, one mixer mode and one using the buttons as a red box for clip launch.
Everything is working fine except for when i assign one of the side buttons as mode selector it only changes mode while the button is held down, I’ve tried changing the button from Toggle to Momentary and also changing it to toggle in the korg midi editor.
It seems to be set up in the same way as the buttons I’ve assigned for mute and solo which are working as on and off.
Any Ideas ?
I’m not sure I understand about ‘while the button is held down’. The mode should change when you press the button down.
What is your expected behaviour for it / what isn’t happening?
The mode changes while my finger is holding rhe button down but when I let go it changes back to the original mode.
I found a work around by using 2 different buttons, one for each mode but wanted to switch between 2 modes using just one button.
Hope that’s clear.
Ah I understand now, thank you for the clarification.
To do this, add 2 ‘mode selector mappings’ and set them to the same button
Set the ‘control override’ section to ‘on’ for both. (see attached screenshot)..
Set ‘control type’ to ‘On/Off’
Ok, here’s the clever bit…
For the first mapping, set the ‘On’ option to 127 (or whatever velocity value the buttons sends when you press it down)
Then for the ‘Off’ option, set it to any value other than what the button sends when you release it (usually buttons send 0 when released)
And in the second mapping, do the same as above BUT…
Set the ‘On’ option to 0 (or whatever the button sends when released)
And set the ‘Off’ value to any value other than what the button sends when pressed (i.e. anything other than 127)
Now you have 2 separate mappings,
The first fires only when you press the button
And the second only fires when you release the button.
Or you could do it in a reaction, and use a condition in each action to check the velocity value.
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