none of the buttons are working
When I try to set up a new controller I can’t work with any of the dropdowns- nothing is selected. I also can’t see anything on the MIDI monitor, it only flashes for a short moment, then it is gone again. This is impossibly buggy. Even the controller files that I’ve been given as a starter are full of errors.
Hello siainbuletin,
I am sorry you are having a hard time, I also struggled a bit at the beginning.
I guess you are talking about the controller templates and not the scripts?
Could your problems be OS related? I have to run the software as administrator, but that can be because of my windows configuration. I have it running now on two machines (W10 1909 and W10 20H2).
For me the Midi monitoring over usb only works when I close Ableton. I guess it makes sense since Ableton is already using that port.
I got a lot of help and knowledge from the videos on youtube. ( If you haven’t watched them yet, I can highly recommend them!
Hopefully that can be of any help for you.
I wish you good luck!
Try deleting the settings.json file.
This is found in your operating system’s home directory > control Surface studio > settings.
This will force to recreate all settings for control surface studio, so you will need to configure the options in the settings menu again when you load the app.
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