Only one session box shows up in Combination mode
I’ve made a red box combination script for 2 X Intech en16 controllers. Everything is working fine but only one controller shows the box outline, (in green) any ideas why this could be ?
Hi Ixindamix,
I’ve been following intech’s development for a while, great to hear that someone is building scripts for their gear 🙂
The live interface will only show 1 session box per script at any one time.
I’m guessing that as their controllers are modular/connected together, that you’re using 1 script for the 2 controllers?
If that’s the case, does Ableton still see the controllers as 2 separate controllers? (i.e. you have to connect them separately in the preferences > MIDI tab)
If live sees them as 1 midi controller then do you need 2 red boxes?
Ableton sees it as one controller, and the clip launch and navigation all working fine , just missing the box around one of them.
So maybe it would be better to have a different script for each ?
Actually I also need to know the correct settings for the encoders, I’ve tried out a few configurations, including what would seem to work on the midi fighter but no joy yet. I’m in touch with Kristof the Intech guy but if you have any ideas?
‘Ableton sees it as one controller’
in that case, Ableton will only display 1 red box.
I’m not sure about the correct settings for the encoders, have you tried using the midi monitor function in css?
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