Problem getting encoder LED feedback on Novation 25 SL MKII
Has anyone been able to successfully get LED feedback working with the encoders on a Novation SL MKII series controller? I have the 25 SL MKII, and feel like I’ve tried everything I could think of to get the encoder LEDs to respond to changes I make directly in Live (testing in both 11.2 and 11.3). As the simplest example, I mapped one of the encoders to control Send 1 of the selected track. I can get the mapping to work, but if I change the selected track in Live I can never get the LEDs for the encoder to update to correspond to the Send 1 level of the newly selected track.
I’ve tried every combination of settings I could think of in the mappings, using the global defaults, custom settings, etc. I’ve tried every variation of controller settings, absolute, relative, changing the encoder behaviors settings on the SL…. Even though I don’t think this should be necessary, I’ve tried Reactions of various types and configurations. I’ve tried every combination of midi input and output settings with the script and hardware controller in Live. No luck with anything!
Most of my experience with CSS to date has been with an Akai APC Key25, which has been very easy to work with and I’ve been able to eventually figure out how to get all the LED feedback to the multicolor pads I need. This SL is breaking my brain though. I don’t know if the problems is in the settings of the SL itself, which unlike the APC, is internally configurable.
Any help would be appreciated.
for LED feedback on the SL MkII you have to use SYSEX commands (see:
So you have to make a “reaction” for every parameter you want to have LED feedback for. Lot´s of work….
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Thanks for this info, but that’s really depressing!