problem with rotary encoder
hi, i have a problem with my rotary encoders, when I map them manually I have no problem, they work, but when I want to automap them to my selected device they only go from value 64 to 127 in one step, I think it s a problem with absolute or relative type but I think I tried every configuration possible and none is the good solution, can someone help me with that please?
see the json attached, it only contain the 8 encoders
From the script you have attached, you just have the standard settings for each parameter mapping i.e. controller input is set to knob 1 and ‘control override’ is set to default?
You haven’t uploaded the controller template so I can’t check.
Where you say ‘when I map them manually’, do you mean mapping them using Live’s internal mapping mode?
Hi Ben,
Thanks for uploading both, its a tricky one, but here’s some things you can try…
I’m a bit unclear if your controller inputs are relative or absolute? – if they are relative then they only send a single value when turning left, then another single value when turning right. Where as Absolute send a range of values from 0 thru to 127.
One thing which did stick out to me, in the control override section, you need to set the steps to something higher than 1 i.e. 127. Setting it to 1 means it parameter in live will from min to max with 1 turn of your input. This is especially important for relative controls. See attached image.
Also if you are using ‘relative’ encoders…
In the controller template, for each endless encoder, change takeover mode from ‘value scaling’ to None. I could be wrong but I think value scaling will only work for absolute
Let me know how you get on with it 🙂
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