Quantity of Encoder, Buttons, Knobs
Is it only possibel to have a quantity of 256 encoder?
I can assign 4096 encoders on my controller and her is a limitation of 256.
I wanted to assign all parameters of the stock instruments and the most effects to my controller Its a Faderfox EC 4 but when I reched the encoder 256 I could not add a encoder nuber higher than 256.
To get around this limitation, you can edit the controller template’s json file directly.
Easiest Way to do this is with a free online json editor, such as: https://jsoneditoronline.org/
Here’s the process (See the image below also)
- export the controller template from CSS
- open the above json editor tool in your browser. In the left panel, click the ‘folder icon’ and select ‘open from disk’. Then select the controller template.
- click the ‘copy’ button in between the 2 panels
- In the right column you will now have a nicely formatted ‘tree’ of all the controls in your template. find the ones you want to edit, change the following fields to what you need: name, MIDI_type, MIDI_channel, MIDI_value, name
- In the right column, click the first arrow (which says ‘array’ next to it) each item displayed is an individual control in your template.
- For each new encoder you want to add, duplicate an existing encoder (search for ‘encoder’ to find one).
- Its important to edit the new encoder’s ‘id – it should be 1 higher than the current highest ‘id’ in the template.
- And also edit any other details for the encoder such as MIDI chanel, type, value etc
- Once you have finished editing, save it to disk and import it back into your controller template manager.
Aside from inputting it directly in json as above, the limit is currently still the same.
We should hopefully have a solution for this in the next release (CSS 2.7).
We don’t have a timescale for when this will be available yet.
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