Reaction: can’t get clip end_marker to change

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Trying to see if I can get the clip end_marker to change when I press a button, so have a Reaction which does this:
1. Listener: if button x is pressed.
2. Reaction:[0].clip_slots[0].clip.end_marker = 8.0

So was hoping when a particular button is pressed it would change the end_marker for the clip to 8 beats after the start_maker, but nothing happens.
There is a clip present on the location, also tried with by selecting a clip: 8.0
Still nothing.
Can get the clip to fire with this:[0].clip_slots[0].fire()

So maybe the end_marker (and start_marker) functionality just doesn’t work with remotify ?

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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Hi davlar,

True, “end_marker” does not work here too, I guess it is a bug (that will probably be fixed in one of the next updates).

However, you can use “[0].clip_slots[0].clip.loop_end = 8”
When the clip is not looped “loop_end” acts as an “end_marker”.

Hopefully, this can be of some help to you.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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End Marker works for me BUT only when clip loop is turned on.
No idea why, I don’t think it’s a bug in our scripts though, rather an issue directly in Live’s own API.

I tested with both of these:[0].clip_slots[0].clip.end_marker = 8.0 = 8.0
And both work with clip loop on

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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