Reaction listener button press behavior
Sorry for over spooling the forum with my questions, but try to understand how it works 😉
Can you explain how this works, or put me in the right direction. Button is on momentary so only the note-on should be the trigger if I read the manual correctly.
In sessionbox it works as expected, pushing the button start clip and releasing does nothing. So my former post on note-off is irrelevant I think or only on reaction input?
It looks like the listener also sent the off value as a trigger when releasing the button.
Behavior is that the clip stopped when releasing the button.
Hi Robin,
I just tried your script and it works fine over here.
In ‘Controller Templates’ mode, go to your MIDI Fighter and check if ‘Button 5’ (and all the others) has 127 as ‘On’ and 0 as ‘Off’ in the Control Settings.
Hi 303_,
Already tried that, is it maybe because my controller sent default and can’t change it seperately. Send same note-on and off velocity, note-off velocity 0 is needed as input for remotify reaction button press?
Hi Robin,
Just my 2 cents, but if your controller sends velocity 127 for both note-on and note-off then indeed Remotify (or any other program) will receive two times velocity 127 (note-on).
Resulting in triggering two times, one time when pressing down and one time on release.
It doesn’t matter if it is set to “momentary” because it doesn’t see the note-off (velocity 0), only another note-on (velocity 127).
If I remember correctly, you use a MIDI Fighter, I’m pretty sure that the MIDI Fighter utility program will let you change note-off to 0.
That should do the trick 😉
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